Vision Mission and values
About Us
- Create a secured, reliable and enabling Ethiopian cyber space by coordinating and building national capacity of proactive readiness and effective incident response centered on analysis.
- Trustworthiness
- Innovation
- Scientific
- Democracy
- Synergy
Monitor national cyber security 24/7
• Simulate honey systems to identity cyber attacks
• Accept cyber attack complaint
• Collect cyber attack data
• Provide necessary information for concerned body analysis
• Conduct malware and intrusion analysis to identify attack causes and extract signatures
• Conduct investigation on cyber attacks
• Conduct cyber security intelligence analysis to identify and predict cyber-attack targets, vulnerabilities, trends
• Correlate cyber attacks
• Prepare and provide cyber security statistics at national level for policy makers.
Proactive readiness
• Conduct regular risk assessment and identify vulnerability
• Assure performance of cyber security products based on standards
• Assure capacity of cyber security professionals based on standards
• Assure cyber security policy and procedure implementations
• Watch the technology and update professionals
Incident Response
• Fix vulnerabilities (conduct security systems configuration, patch etc)
• Conduct signatures update
• Conduct recovery actions
• Assure business continuity during cyber attacks
Capacity building and Certification
• Create general cyber security awareness at nation wide
• Provide education on cyber-attack to concerned bodies.
• Train cyber security professionals regularly and certify
• Strengthen the national CER2Tand work to be certified (fulfill international standard)
• Create, strengthen and certify organizational CER2Ts
• Deploy the necessary infrastructure
• Prepare necessary policies, procedures, standards
• Create team spirit and coordinate
• Use the Coordination abundantly to achieve the missions.
• Create global relationship
Contact Us
Free Call[OH]: 933
Phone Number: +251-993939270,
P.O.Box: 124498